WE DESERVE Reliable power, low rates, and a bright green future

I first ran for the SMUD Board with two major goals: to accelerate SMUD’s reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and to ensure that it focused its investments in disadvantaged communities as our region transitions to a clean energy economy.

In 2024, I’m proud to say that these goals are promises made - and they’re promises that we kept.

SMUD now has the most ambitious carbon reduction goal of any large utility in the country. In 2020, we declared a climate emergency and adopted the 2030 Zero Carbon Plan — our roadmap for eliminating carbon emissions from all of our electricity sources by the year 2030. It will result in the elimination of over 2 million tons of annual CO2 emissions. Since then, we’ve made real progress by investing in and purchasing hundreds of megawatts of renewable energy, including wind, solar, geothermal, and pumped hydro storage. We’re investing massively in grid modernization and distributed energy resources, which will increase resiliency and allow more effective use of renewable energy such as customer-owned solar and batteries, utility scale batteries, and vehicle to grid technology.  We’ve adopted time-of-use rates, which help the majority of our customers to save money, and to reduce our overall emissions.

 We’re also a major force in electrifying the region’s transportation and buildings — through partnership with other agencies, private enterprise, and local residents, electrification will result in a reduction of more than 5 million additional tons of annual CO2 emissions, as well as reducing particulate and nitrous oxide pollution.

I convened SMUD’s first public workshop on environmental justice, which spurred SMUD to address these issues throughout our operations and programs. It’s critical that as we achieve our carbon reduction goals, we don’t leave segments of our community behind, or saddle lower income households with unbearable energy costs.

As a result, SMUD established its Community Impact Program which leverages our clean energy investments by partnering with dozens of community groups, including those working on affordable housing, energy efficiency, air quality, STEM education, workforce development, and urban forests.

While I have been on the SMUD Board, our rates have remained among the lowest in the state, while maintaining high reliability and customer satisfaction. SMUD’s lower rates keep about $2 billion dollars in our community, as compared to what would occur if our residents would pay PG&E rates, which are over twice SMUD’s rates.

I’m proud to be your SMUD Board Member - if you would still like to support my re-election, send me a note, endorse me, or make a contribution to my campaign! Thank you so much for your support.

Join #TeamTamayo and help re-elect Dave to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board of Directors!

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"Dave Tamayo has worked hard for decades to improve the quality of life in Sacramento. He’s a strong voice for the community and the environment on the SMUD Board and I’m honored to support his reelection."

Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang

"Dave has my full support as he runs for re-election to the SMUD Board - he has been an effective leader in Sacramento for decades and has tirelessly worked to make sure SMUD is on the leading edge of addressing climate change, reducing its carbon footprint, and is focusing its investments to ensure that no part of our community is left behind."

Congresswoman Doris Matsui


 Add your name to Dave’s endorsements - sign up today and join the team!

OUR SMUD BOARD MEMBER: Dave’s a scientist, public servant, and south sacramento community leader

A Sacramento resident since 1989, Dave quickly found his home in the communities of South Sacramento and began to speak up on behalf of his neighborhood. He led successful efforts to establish science programs and gardens in local schools, brought a brand-new playground to Fruitridge Manor, and co-founded his neighborhood association.

And, for more than two decades, Dave has helped protect our most environmentally sensitive regions as an Environmental Specialist for Sacramento County. His work as a SMUD Board Member just scratches the surface — click below to get to know Dave.

Learn More about Dave >>


making sure smud serves the people

Dave Tamayo has represented the communities of Ward 6, including Meadowview, Oak Park, Valley Hi, Fruitridge Manor, and Parkway, on SMUD’s Board of Directors since 2014. He has ensured that our community-owned electrical utility continues to deliver reliable power at low cost, while working for a bright green future.

  • Our electricity rates are among the lowest in California — and they must stay that way to preserve affordability.

  • We must continue to be one of the most reliable energy systems in the country.

  • Our utility district needs to continue to take a leading role in solving the climate change crisis by maintaining its nationally-recognized forward-thinking environmental stewardship, green energy, smart grid, and energy efficiency policy.

  • All parts of the community must have an equitable opportunity to participate in SMUD’s green energy and conservation programs.

  • SMUD must work strategically with public agencies and private institutions to support and develop a vibrant regional economy.